The Sharp Hint Of New Tears Lyrics

On the way home
This car hears my confessions
I think tonight I'll take the long way

This weather
The wind outside is biting
It has left me feeling tired and exposed

You've been asking me to bleed
It seems these kinds of questions
Come too easy to you now

Your lack of shame comes naturally
I should not be surprised
I should have seen it sooner

You expect me to apologize
For things that you've done wrong
While you're inciting others

You're owning up to nothing
And I wish that I was gone
Cause you're not going anywhere

This damp air
Is fighting my defroster
My sighs, they ring victorious and fog this tinted glass

It's clouded
And so is my head
The hint of these new tears are sharp
I try to choke them back

It's useless
I'm useless against them
They are beating me with ease

On the way home
This car hears my confessions
I think tonight I'll take the long way
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Cover art for The Sharp Hint Of New Tears lyrics by Dashboard Confessional

On the way home this car hears my confessions I think tonight I'll take the long way

these lines seemed to have a relation with band's name dashboard confessional. heheh

Cover art for The Sharp Hint Of New Tears lyrics by Dashboard Confessional

people can shamelessly do things, that may hurt you. you can be expected to apologize although it may not be anything you've done. feeling hurt all you can do is let out your emotions. you cant change others. they arent going anywhere. Like a night with bad weather when your car is fogged up, you may feel that nothing is clear and you cant do anything but move forward. you can try to hold back tears but sometimes you jus have to let your feelings have out. you cant be expected to not feel hurt. so take the long way. dont rush yourself, just let it out as it comes.

Cover art for The Sharp Hint Of New Tears lyrics by Dashboard Confessional

spc04-- ditto. it's nice to know I'm not the only one who breaks down while shampooing.;)

Cover art for The Sharp Hint Of New Tears lyrics by Dashboard Confessional

::sigh:: ... what would we do without lonely car rides?*

Cover art for The Sharp Hint Of New Tears lyrics by Dashboard Confessional

Man I know what you are talking about, I am a friend of the loney car ride, and I never take one without this song!

Cover art for The Sharp Hint Of New Tears lyrics by Dashboard Confessional

i've started to come to the conclusion that my long lonely car rides late at night are maybe pointless...cause sometimes i feel taken for granted, and not loved at all...reading these lyrics, playing the song in my head makes my eyes fill with tears because im so scared to lose that which i never thought i could lose...

Cover art for The Sharp Hint Of New Tears lyrics by Dashboard Confessional

well, it sounds like you need to listen to those feelings and maybe be more careful about who you give your heart to, I'm not saying that is a solution, but I think it would help, there have been times I felt the same way, but the time I listened to my feelings I endedup happier, just some probaly unwanted advise.

Cover art for The Sharp Hint Of New Tears lyrics by Dashboard Confessional

no, not unwanted advice, thank u....ive just been really confused lately, and things have been pretty bleh...

Cover art for The Sharp Hint Of New Tears lyrics by Dashboard Confessional

i wish i could have lonely car rides with this song but my brother stole my cd so i cant!!!!!!

Cover art for The Sharp Hint Of New Tears lyrics by Dashboard Confessional

this song is probably one of my top 3 fav dc songs. this song is probably the song i dedicate to the hour drive home from volleyball tournaments. normally i'm s mad or pissed cuz i did poorly, and all i do is yell and scream and complain and cry, and the car sorta hears everything i have to say. ".....and I wish that I was gone, because you're not going anywhere."--one of my fav coach is a jagoff and pisses me off so much. and there are times i wish i would disappear, cuzi know he is still there watching and yelling at me. -sara-