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Wilco – Black Moon Lyrics 10 years ago
This song seems genius to me.

At first, i thought the first lines, "i was always right about the morning," referred something coming to past and being able to say "i saw this outcome coming" (dawn or morning usually refers to when everything comes into light. I thought he was trying to say that when all has come to light, i always knew this was going to be the outcome.) But then, you get to the line "i am always one without a warning" and it seems to completely contradict the first interpretation. How can you see something coming, be right about the outcome, and then say you are always the one blindsided?

Then i looked at the rest of the song a little closer and realized it's structure. The story of this song is split in half. The entire top half is referring how things used to be, how the author used to see things, and how nearsighted he was, and the bottom half refers to realities of where he is now, and what he sees ahead of him. You see this in the word structure of "I WAS always" in the top, as apposed to "I AM always" in the bottom.

Danced above the blades
Never stopped crawling
Over the black dunes

He's saying he thought he used to dance above the negatives, like he missed the bad things, (unless "blades" refers to grass) happy, light, blissful, but is now realizing he never even got on his feet. I'd think that black dunes refers to hills to climb and dark periods in life. He never actually got over something in his life, and these lines:

And I'm waiting
For you
Waiting forever
Are you awake now too?

refer to a person he hasn't gotten past. He's asking if she has come to the same realizations he has ("are you awake now too?"). He wants to know if she is hung up on him too, but he's waiting forever regardless of whether she is waiting for him because he can't get over her.

Now we get to where he has arrived in life. In this last half he's talking about how he didn't have things as figured out as he used to. He's found himself in a completely different place than he could have anticipated.

I am always one
Without a warning

He's realizing he doesn't have things figured out, and he never did. There were always things he didn't foresee with this person.

Whole days

He's looking back at events with this person and seeing them differently now that time has past and realizing the mistakes, and signs of downfall he missed.

Lift away
Past the gate
Desert keeps forming
Underneath the black moon

Now looking ahead, instead of feeling like he knows what's out there, he knows he's lost his way. "Desert" could refer back to the "black dunes" as he's realizing what's in front of him, or it could just refer to the desolate unknown that seems to keep forming under his feet as he ventures out, but this time all alone. The black moon is referring to how alone, lost, and unenlightened he is. It's just him, this desert, and his hills to climb, now dawn or morning to come to light, but he's still waiting for this person.

It's a complicated interpretation, and i don't know if it is right, but that's how i see it. Songs like this could mean a lot of things, and people tend to see themselves in them if they can relate to the song, so that might be what i'm doing here. I can also see this being about fighting depression, or drugs, or anything really negative in your life that involves some kind of struggle, or back and forth, but this is the interpretation that i've decided on.

Foo Fighters – Best Of You Lyrics 11 years ago
Have you ever given something (or someone if you like being so cliche) everything you have, and been hurt by it? Like you were conned out of an experience, or something? You feel like you wish you hadn't begun whatever it is that put you where you are now. Some of us are "door mats." We do this too often. We enter things with good intentions, expecting equal return, nothing less, but more importantly, nothing more. When this happens so often, and you get beaten down, there comes a point where you just want to stop being you, and stop careing, but you can't.

Has someone taken your faith?
Its real, the pain you feel
The life, the love
You die to heal
The hope that starts
The broken hearts

I think this part of the song is just saying that you're not imagining things, that pain, those let downs, those situations where you've felt used and taken advantage of, where you put in more than you were supposed to get back, they're real, and the narrorator of the song recognizes that you would die to heal those wounds, and be done with those pains.

I think this song is consoling that breaking point, where you feel like you're going insane trying not to be hurt by things anymore.

Were you born to resist or be abused?
I swear I'll never give in
I refuse

This part of the song is like that rebelious point. "Were you born to resist, or be abused?" is rhetorical. You have a choice, to give in to being let down, it's that "are you a man or a mouse" kind of thing. You can man up, or lay down, and one is easier than the other, but only one of them is an acceptable choice to make if you want anything good to happen. I think it's saying instead of letting it hurt you, see it through. If it is going to get the best of you, then you should fight to get the best of it, too.

I was too weak to give in
Too strong to lose
My heart is under arrest again
But I break loose

These lines mirror the previous section about making the choice to stand up and move forward, not give up, to be strong and not give in. Don't accept anything less than you deserve.

Instead of giving up, realize that, after all you've been through, after everything you've done, you've proven that you're too strong to give up hope that things can't be great, that you won't always be that door mat, so when things get bad, just remember that you know you're strong enough to get back up and move forward. If you've found something worth giving your best to, and it refuses, takes what you have, and kicks you to the curb, don't give up, get up and fight for what you deserve, because it's worth it.

Eve 6 – Here's To The Night Lyrics 11 years ago
A lot of people will think of a love story when hearing this song, and it can be, but i think it applies more broadly. This song is about anything that, even just at the begining, you realized it was going to end too soon. It could be a hobby, a friendship, a relationship, a job, a place, an event, anything you feel pationitely about, and anything you know will end, whether it be tomorrow, next week, next year, or in ten years, you feel it's too soon. There are certain times in your life when you will realize the end will come for this, and no matter what you try, how much you don't want it to end, no matter what you do, it will end, and your life will change, and you will hurt like you've never thought possible. When this happens, i think of what someone once told me: Invest. Invest in what you're doing, when it's what you love, and you may lose everything, but if you love it, you'll invest and never regret a second if it's lost. You have to be able to love something before you will allow yourself to invest in it, and that in itself is an amazing thing, because then, you never really lost it, only had the pleasure of ever experiencing it. No regret.

Foo Fighters – The Pretender Lyrics 12 years ago
To me this can and probably is political, but what i love about it is that it can apply to anyone, and anything. Anyone who is miss treated, or unproportionately appreciated can relate to this. It doesn't need to be about government, although it can. It can be about people that take advantage of you, friends, family, work, school, whatever. To me, it's about people who keep you around just when it's convenient to them, and the rest of the time it's like you don't exist. This song is just a way of saying you may be able to treat other people like that, and they may be blissfully ignorant about the way they are being treated, but i'm not going to let you treat me like that anymore. Who gave YOU the right to mistreat ME like that. Now you've got to watch out, because one day you're going to call me up out of the blue and need me, and i'm going to laugh. After everything i've done for you and everything you've done TO me, why would i help you? Now you've got to find another puppet to manipulate. "What if i say i'm not just another one your plays?"

Radiohead – Creep Lyrics 12 years ago
Saddest song ever to be able to relate to. Saving all the details, to me this is just about losing someone to time. One day everything is fine and you wouldn't change anything for the world. At some point down the road, though, everything changes. You realize you're at the bottom of a long downward slope. Things deteriorated over such a long period of time, that you suddenly look around and don't know where you are anymore. She doesn't see you anymore, she doesn't come around, and when you're not there she doesn't miss you like she did before. You find that you care so much more about them, than they do about you, that it's no longer just longing, or being out of your league, it just becomes sad to watch. You become a creep, a wierdo, to them, and you don't know how you got there, because for you, nothing changed. She didn't used to think you were a creep, and you haven't changed, and neither has the amount you care about her, but suddenly because she's changed, YOU'RE the creep. But there is no changing it, it's not a choice. But, you know, not me. I can't relate to this at all...

Edward Sharpe and the Magnetic Zeros – Home Lyrics 12 years ago
This song has been explained on here already, and it's not exctly a mystery, but i'd just like to say, this has a very big meaning for me. I had a length of time a while back, where i was staying temporarily in a place, more amazing than any place i've ever been before, after having lived in a hole in the wall for a long time. I just kept thinking to myself how amazing the place was, and how great, but how much i'd rather be back in this other place where nobody wants to live. Then i moved into another place (i was living on people's couches four a while in between) no better or worse than the one i left, and missed, but i still wasn't happy. The longer i was away, the worse i got. It wasn't someplace i could go back to, and even if i could, it wouldn't be the same, because the people had moved on. Some of those people were and are more to me than anything material could ever be, and they changed my life, but now they are gone and i can't go back to them, and every day is harder than the one before it for me. I've become a pathetic and a recluse. Home is where your heart is, and if you find that place, never, never, ever let it go. Fight for it, with all you've got, until you have nothing more to give. Fight for those people that make up that place that is only home when you're with them.

"It's there, I know it is, because when I look at you, I can feel it. And-and I look at you, and I... and I'm home. Please... I don't want that to go away." -Dory

No truer words have ever been spoken. This song reflects that statement perfectly, and it will never have the same significance to anyone, like it does to me.

Linkin Park – Faint Lyrics 13 years ago
I know this song doesn't mean what the situation i describe does, but to me, this song struck the strings of a situation i've been in.

I am a social exhile, a loner, socially inept, awkward, forsaken, rather forgotten than included. It's always been like this. I grew up in a place that i didn't fit in. Not "oh, my life sucks, i'm so pathetic and the world is against me, i'm just going to crawl into a corner and abbandon all hope," more like i recieved death threats for not siding with anyone. I never fit that mold, so i never had anyone to identify with, i was all alone, on one side of the world, watching from the outside. I never had any friends growing up, no relationships, no life to live, i was just getting by, trying not to end up a footnote in the paper. I was able to get out. I went to college, something very few did, and one of the few ways to get out, something only the smart ones could do.

Getting out of there was like serving 60 years in jail. You come out, and the world has changed, nothing is familiar, you don't know how to act, and i didn't know how to react to people. I live far away from where i grew up now, and have been here for 2 years. The entire first year, (and still now, but not as much) i spent learning how people really were, and what the world was really like. The down side was learning things that i knew to be normal, that were no longer normal, things i thought were everyday events, people 'wow' and shriek in disbelief at. I found out how awful the place i came from was. I knew i wanted to get out, that i didn't belong, but when i was out, i learned how terrible of a place it really was.

I had to learn how to socialize. Things most people find easy, or maybe just uncomfortable, like talking to someone you don't know, i didn't just have to overcome fears of, i had to learn. I had to learn how to act like not every one dislikes you, or was out to get you. I had to learn how to act around people, and i'm still learning. As a result, i'm super awkward to be around.

But then, after all this, just this year, i made my first friend. Someone i could talk to, confide in, care about, and be cared for in return. She became my bestfriend, by definition, not just because she was my only friend. I began to know how she reacts, talks, feels about things, and eventually, how she thinks. But as fate would have it, and like you could guess when a guy and girl become friends, someone begins to REALLY care for the other. An emotional connection was created, and i became dependant on her. I could tell her anything, and more importantly, she could rely on me for anything. I needed her to need me. I needed her to use me for things, to make myself useful, and to make her happy, even if it was only for a second. She became my only outlet for feeling. I had been numbed by the society i lived in, and needed her presence to allow me to feel emotion. Without her, i was numb again, the problem was, i wasn't ultra high on her list of friends. I was jut a friend that she could rely on and use when she needed, but she had many other friends. The fact that she hung around me at all when she clearly wasn't forced to, when she didn't feel like she needed to, but because she wanted to, made me feel wonderful. Nobody had ever wanted to be around me before. But then summer came, and so she didn't live down the hall in the dorms anymore, and she didn't come in my room and jump on my roommates bed anymore, and we didn't watch movies together anymore, and she didn't cry on my shoulder when she needed me anymore. She had other friends for that, other outlets, people closer to her, both emotionally, and physically. I had just been a friend of oppritunity, proximity.

So now we get to the song. These are the lines that hit me hardest out of the song:

"I am a little bit of loneliness, a little bit of disregard
Handful of complaints but I can't help the fact
That everyone can see these scars
I am what I want you to want, what I want you to feel"

I'm lonely again, there's not much for me, i've been disregared, left behind.
I have my issues with adjusting to things, but it's because i don't know where to go or what to do, i'm learning on the go.
I've got scars, and everyone can see them, i'm awkward to be around, and nobody can see far enough past these scars to understand me, get to know me, or help me. She was the only one that has ever done that, and now she's gone.
I want her to want me, like i need her. I want her to feel what i feel and understand why i feel it.

"So I let go watching you turn your back like you always do
Face away and pretend that I'm not
But I'll be here 'cause you're all that I've got"

I watched her leave, and i let her go because that's what she wanted, she's turned away from me.
I feel like she is pretending i don't exist, even though i know that's not the case, because this is my general experience with everyone else.
While she's gone, i'll wait here, right where she left me, because i don't know where else to go, i dont' know what my purpose is otherwise. I can't feel anything without her here, and she's all i have, literally. I don't have anyone or anything else.

"I can't feel the way I did before"

This one has three meanings for me. 1) I can't go back to where i was, not now that i've seen where i've come from, 2) I'm numb without her, there is no happiness, or saddness, or anger and 3) I can't feel useful anymore because she's the only thing that's made me useful ever.

"Time won't heal this damage anymore"

My damages can't be healed more, by time, waiting won't help me, but i have no place to go.

I literally have nothing else in my life except her, but she's not here. I wish i could just move forward on a path, but she was the path, there is no road to follow anymore, and going back isn't an option. Staying where i am is my only choice.

I don't think anyone has ever gone through what i've gone through, and i know nobody has felt what i feel now, i don't think anyone really knows what it's like to have just 1 thing in life. One single possesion, feeling, and all inclusive outlet, and lose it. There just isn't chartered territory to say what to do now except wait for something to happen.

I know this song wasn't written to mean what it does to me, but for me, i can make this song realate. If i could write this whole portion of my life down, this song would be its theme for me.

The Killers – When You Were Young Lyrics 13 years ago
Maybe i'm just plain wrong here, but my interpretation of this song is, it seems, quite different than most on here.
It seems, the biggest and most argued lyrics in this song are:

"He doesn't look a thing like Jesus, but he talks like a gentleman, like you remember when you were young."

I take "Jesus" as a metaphor. I figure, Jesus is not known for looks, he is known for spirit, and heart, and sole. In the same way someone could say someone looks really dense, or looks very intelligent, or anything like that, they can't actually physically see character traits, but in saying they can "see" these traits, they are saying they can sense them. They can tell that this person isn’t too bright, or is very smart. With this interpretation, to say "he doesn't look a thing like Jesus" could mean "There is no heart or sole to be found in him" but he "talks like a gentleman."

I think what it means by "he talks like a gentleman" is that this woman is sucked in by his smooth words, and convincing attitude, to make himself seem innocent, trustworthy, and gentlemanly and most importantly, to make her forget, or look over the fact that he isn't a very good person at all. It happens all the time, whenever a guy puts on his nice guy face, and uses his smooth moves to win over a girl that shouldn't fall for it, or shouldn’t fall for it again, or knows this guy has a reputation for hurting girls, but his words pull her into his trap.

"And sometimes you close your eyes and see the place where you used to live When you were young"
I think this could be why she falls for his trap everytime. She wants him to be perfect, because she's being idealistic. When she was young, she saw a boy who doesn't need to be beautiful, physically, but he talked like a gentleman, because he was a gentleman. Now that she's grown, and has this terrible guy, she wants to believe that because he talks like a gentleman, he may actually be a gentleman, and so she gives him more chances.

To me, this whole thing could be something recurring. The guy messes up all the time, and the girl is mad at him for a while, and hurt, but then the guy wins her back with convincing lies of "i'll never do it again" and he does it again and again, and the girl just can't see through him like everyone else does. He has some sort of spell over her, that doesn't allow her to see the truth, that this guy does nothing but hurt her, and that she deserves better.

"You sit there in your heartache" He's just hurt her, emotionally, and now she's destroyed by it.

"Waiting on some beautiful boy" "Beautiful boy" could be another metaphor for a beautiful sole, and heart, true beauty, not aesthetics. She wants someone who's not going to harm her anymore, someone that will truly love her.

"To save you from your old ways" Her old ways, are going back to this same guy that hurts her, and falling for lies and tricks. She wants someone to love her, truly, not use her, and take her away from this guy.

"You play forgiveness" She forgives this worthless heartless guy after he smooth talks his way back to her.

"Watch it now- here he comes" And he's back at it, messing up, hurting her, messing with her head, and being forgiven, and doing it all again.

I see the singer as the narrorator, watching from the outside, and shaking his head in dissapointment, sadness, and disgust. Maybe he loves her? Maybe he's actually the "beautiful boy," but he doesn't "talk like a gentleman" and she doesn't notice him. Maybe he's just a friend who's shoulder is cried on everytime this guy hurts her, and so he's hurt by it as well, seeing her suffer. But she will never see this friend as anything more, even though he's the right one, because she is blinded by a smooth talker who's corrupted her, and used her.

I must say though, this last paragraph really biasis my whole interpretation. It's the situation i'm in, always been in, really, and i might just be trying to make it all fit. If so, i think i've made it fit quite well.

Owl City – Fireflies Lyrics 14 years ago
I've got to go with the idea that it's a reflection on childhood, as apposed to the 'adult' world we live in, where it's suit and tie, coffee and to-go mug, paycheck and bills.

When we were kids, all we cared about was lunch, recess, snack, playtime, games, friends, sleep, and making sure our immaginations run overtime. Now, most of those things are things we wished we still had time for.

When i was a kid, i always liked sleeping, because i could escape my troubles, which at that time were few, and therefore more significant, and i could dream about things that, in my mind, were just as real as the things we felt, smelt, and touched. But i was stuck in this epic battle between playing out late, having fun, or going to sleep. Now, because our problems are everywhere, we just kind of accept it. So these days of hide and seek, building forts, playing games, and inhancing our immaginations dissapear, and it's like a little part of us dies, and is replaced with the 'adult' world we are supposed to fit into.

Despite this, it seems the song writer has been able to save some of these memories, because you can't really kill the best part of your life.

To me, these three sections explain the whole song to me:

Because I'd get a thousand hugs
From ten thousand lightning bugs
As they tried to teach me how to dance
A foxtrot above my head
A sockhop beneath my bed
A disco ball is just hanging by a thread

When I fall asleep leave my door open just a crack
(Please take me away from here)
Because i feel like such an insomniac
(Please take me away from here)
Why do I tire of counting sheep
(Please take me away from here)
When I'm far too tired to fall asleep?

To ten million fireflies
I'm weird because I hate goodbyes
I got misty eyes as they said farewell
But I'll know where several are
If my dreams get real bizarre
Because I saved a few and I keep them in a jar

In the first one, i think the disco ball is the important one. He says it's hanging by a thread. I take this as his child hood is hanging by a thread, his fun and play is barly there anymore. In the last one is where i think he talks about beeing able to hold on to something that has almost completely died out. "...I saved a few and and i keep them in a jar"

I think it's really important that we keep some of these memories. It just makes life better. Architects understand this. I'm in an architecture class, and the only thing we all really have in common is our immaginations still work overtime, and we still like to have fun, even though we do have to be serious, and get things done, but that's not important, that's just to pay the bills.

The Who – Love, Reign O'er Me Lyrics 14 years ago
When I'm alone in the house, i put on my head phones, close my eyes, and blast this as high as i can get it, and listen to it for as long as my ears can stand it. It makes me feel less lonely, and like there is still something i need to finish, or find.

Aqualung – Strange And Beautiful (I'll Put A Spell On You) Lyrics 14 years ago
Someone once told me that the difference between stalker, and romance, is the point of view. The stalker thinks he's being romantic most of the time.

This song isn't talking about a stalker though. It's talking about those that love from afar, from the outside, not making any move or wanting to be noticed. Not like hanging out in the bushes and holding a pair of bonochulars. It's talking about those that don't expect anything in return, because the other person's life is better that way, and the person doesn't want to see their person unhappy. The chorus:

"I'll put a spell on you
You'll fall asleep
I'll put a spell on you
And when I wake you, I'll be the first thing you see
And you'll realize that you love me"

is just wishfull thinking, like "wouldn't that be wonderfull." It's the kind of thing you think about before you fall asleep. That's how i see it atleast.

The Beatles – Eleanor Rigby Lyrics 14 years ago
I remember walking through the halls of my Juinor High school, years back, with hundreds of people bumping and pushing, and thinking: "i wonder how many times i've seen these same people, and yet i've still never seen them before, i'm seeing them for the first time."

That's what this is about. Walking down the halls, you see all kinds of people, and everyone is there with a purpose. But you, just walking to class, are the lonliest, like a fish bowl, you are only a spektator.

I think the lines "Father McKenzie, writing the words of a sermon that no-one will hear" and "[Eleanor Rigby] waits at the window, wearing a face she keeps in a jar by the door" are the most meaning full. The first one is like all the things you hear, and see, and that maybe someone has spent time working on, and you will never really see it, or remember it. The second one is like when you have a job where 'the costomer is always right,' and you always have to smile even though you don't have a need to, or you don't want to. It's pretty depressing trying to live life impressing others. I get this image of someone sitting in a run down, dark room looking out a window, which is a rather depressing scene, and the door bell rings. So she gets up and greets her guests with a surprised greeting and a smile. But then she goes back to sitting in her chair, looking out her gloomy window.

The Goo Goo Dolls – Iris Lyrics 14 years ago
This song got me to create an account on here.
Here is my interpritation of the song, based on life experience, and my feelings toward my current situation:

And I'd give up forever to touch you

-I think 'give up forever to touch you' is refering to something like 'i'll love you forever.' So it would mean, i'd give up loving you forever, just to be with you one more time.

'Cause I know that you feel me somehow

-It's so strong i know you must feel it too.

You're the closest to heaven that I'll ever be
And I don't want to go home right now

-I've made some mistakes, your the best thing that has ever happened, and i won't let it go.

And all I can taste is this moment
And all I can breathe is your life

-This is something i personaly can relate to. Just the feeling that the world has stopped, and you can just talk, openly.

'Cause sooner or later it's over
I just don't want to miss you tonight

-My window of oppretunity is closing, and i don't know whether to act on it or not, but i want that feeling you bring.

And I don't want the world to see me
'Cause I don't think that they'd understand

-I'm not revieling myself to anyone else. Not my emotions, or my true self, because know one else would understand, only you.

When everything's made to be broken
I just want you to know who I am

-And even though everything can break, i'm going to let you know who i am, even if you/it breaks me.

And you can't fight the tears that ain't coming
Or the moment of truth in your lies

-This is a hard one, i think maybe that it refers to if you say something like 'i hate you' you still can't hate them. Or maybe 'the tears that ain't coming' refers to when your not supposed to feel that way about something, and you do anyway, you can't shed a tear for it like your supposed to, because you just don't feel the way your supposed to about it.

When everything feels like the movies
And you bleed just to know you're alive

-And when the world stops turning, and it becomes to surreal to be real, i go numb.

And I don't want the world to see me
'Cause I don't think that they'd understand
When everything's made to be broken
I just want you to know who I am

And I don't want the world to see me
'Cause I don't think that they'd understand
When everything's made to be broken
I just want you to know who I am

And I don't want the world to see me
'Cause I don't think that they'd understand
When everything's made to be broken
I just want you to know who I am

I just want you to know who I am
I just want you to know who I am
I just want you to know who I am

-Above all else, i want YOU to know me, because i need to let someone in my life, and know body else would understand even if i let them know me.

* This information can be up to 15 minutes delayed.