25 or 6 to 4 Lyrics
Searching for something to say
Flashing lights against the sky
Giving up I close my eyes
Sitting cross-legged on the floor
25 or 6 to 4
Getting up to splash my face
Wanting just to stay awake
Wondering how much I can take
Should I try to do some more
25 or 6 to 4
Spinning room is sinking deep
Searching for something to say
Waiting for the break of day
25 or 6 to 4
25 or 6 to 4

In doing further research, I found that the author of the song says the title IS in reference to the time of day...25 or (2)6 minutes until 4 A.M. I believe the author.

some of you people have some weird ideas.
This song is about staying up all night to finish writing a song/paper/assignment. "Searching for something to say" and "should have tried to do some more". Come on, have none of you ever been there? It's the wee hours of the morning and some huge assignment is due and you just want to sleep but you know you're just going to have to resign yourself to an all-nighter?
@LoveLark, the author, Robert Lamm, specifically said the song is about trying to write a song in the middle of the night. It's not about staying up to finish a paper or assignment.
@LoveLark, the author, Robert Lamm, specifically said the song is about trying to write a song in the middle of the night. It's not about staying up to finish a paper or assignment.

mfry is right, the song title means Twenty-five or Twenty-six to Four-O-Clock. Hilde is also correct that the song is about writing a song. He is up late writing and doesn't know if he should keep going or not. Another interesting (though untrue) theory about the title is that is a mathematical ratio for cutting cocaine.
@Strutnut23 hell yeah I like the cutting cocaine theory best. Could you elaborate sir please?
@Strutnut23 hell yeah I like the cutting cocaine theory best. Could you elaborate sir please?

I could be wrong, but I think I read somewhere that the song was about the band being pressured by the record company to get an album out, the lyrics are about staying up all night trying to come up with new songs.
This has been referenced several time by the writer of the song, Robert Lamm. The song is about being up late at night and trying to write more lyrics for a song. Yes, there are some urban legends out there about the drug references but Lamm has stated over and over again the it's not about drugs. That's his story and he's sticking to it. Believe what you want about this great song but the writer whose opinion counts the most has stated it's about being up late trying to write lyrics. The drug references, while...
This has been referenced several time by the writer of the song, Robert Lamm. The song is about being up late at night and trying to write more lyrics for a song. Yes, there are some urban legends out there about the drug references but Lamm has stated over and over again the it's not about drugs. That's his story and he's sticking to it. Believe what you want about this great song but the writer whose opinion counts the most has stated it's about being up late trying to write lyrics. The drug references, while interesting and completely believeable, are not correct according to the WRITER OF THE SONG.
@Hilde I agree, it’s about writing a song (according to the author), but that doesn’t mean it can’t be about other things too. The audience’s interpretation is an equally valid consideration to the authors intent. Once any artwork is published, the meaning of a piece becomes a two way street. The same thing could be said about most religions: look how many different interpretations and branches the Christian Bible has spawned, even though it is the same book.
@Hilde I agree, it’s about writing a song (according to the author), but that doesn’t mean it can’t be about other things too. The audience’s interpretation is an equally valid consideration to the authors intent. Once any artwork is published, the meaning of a piece becomes a two way street. The same thing could be said about most religions: look how many different interpretations and branches the Christian Bible has spawned, even though it is the same book.

This song means just what Bobby told me it means when he wrote it. It's about writing a song.
You acid heads, man..... you're really great.
How about "Sunshine On My Shoulders" - what can you do with that?

I have go agree with Scrappy999 on this one. Why does every song where the lyrics aren't immediately obvious have to be about drugs? Jeez. From what I have heard in interviews with various members of Chicago in the early days, especially Robert Lamm and Pete Cetera, karaoke is right. The song is about not being able to think of anything to write a song about. Now, given that this song was written in the early 70s, it's entirely possible that Lamm was blowing a fatty WHILE he was writing, hoping for a little inspiration, but that's not what the song is ABOUT. When you think about it, the idea of writing a song about writer's block is actually kind of clever. Proves that inspiration is where you find it.

The first time I read the lyrics of the song I thought it had to do with the time and writing. I also suspected it may have been influenced by drugs. Often writers are in altered states while writing. Why couldn't Lamm be telling the truth about the song and STILL have been on something. Despite Skaball's assertion that "Chicago as a whole was anti-drugs," Lamm, in the same original interview where he described the song's meaning/origin, was also quite candid about the bands history of drug usage. So, yeah, they were high. A lot. Thus, it may be safe to assume that as he did drugs and wrote music, he may (and almost certainly did) combine the two activities. Why wouldn't this have been one of those times. It seemed obvious to me decades before I heard the interview, the first time I hard the song and read the lyrics. (I won't comment on my state of mind at the time, though ;) )

For the information of everyone who wasn't around in the 70s, every song you don't understand from then isn't necessarily about drugs. There was a real push to get away from the "I love her but she doesn't love me back" theme of the 50s/60s, and almost any lyric was permissible with that in mind. Chicago's other songs said things like "Does anybody really know what time it is?" and they were not really the sort of band who wrote songs about drugs. If a band member says this he is telling the truth! To me these lyrics, which I looked up out of curiosity after all these years (not having ever been a big Chicago fan) sound exactly like someone writing a song about being awake around 3:30 in the morning and trying to write a song. I'd say that's excatly what they are.

It's about a guy who's having a hard time writing a song and he has had no sleep and the time is 25 or 26 minutes before 4 AM. This has to be Chicago's signature song!

The ULTMATE Chicago song of all time!