Things The Grandchildren Should Know Lyrics
Everybody thinks it's strange
I get up early in the morning
No matter how disappointed I was
With the day before
It feels new
I don't like being around people
Makes me nervous and weird
I don't like going to show either
It's better for me to stay at home
Some might think it means I hate people
But that's not quite right
I do some stupid things but my heart's in the right place and this I know.
I take him for a walk
And all the people like to say hello
I'm used to staring down at the sidewalk cracks
I'm learning how to say hello
Withou too much trouble
Though I swore I never would
Now I can say that I have love for him
I never really understood
What it must have been like for him
Living inside his head
Even though he's dead
Don't believe everything you read
I'm the only one who knows what it's like
So I thought I'd better tell you
Before I leave
That I'm a very thankful man
I tried to make the most of my situations
And enjoy what I had
I knew true love and I knew passion
And the difference between the two
And I had some regrets
But if I had to do it all again
Well, it's something I'd like to do

the line "i feel like he's here with me now,even though he's dead" chokes me everytime i hear it. i love the way this slowly picks up what a great way to leave a message for the grandkids

I love the line "I do some stupid things But my heart's in the right place And this I know" I can relate to that so much. This is a song of no regrets.

He struggles with introverted, anti-social tendencies, and he remarks that just saying hello to someone when walking his dog is a challenge he had to overcome. Yet, he makes it clear that he enjoys people and enjoys his life. Even though I'm not as introverted as I used to be, I can relate to this song.

There is a string melody that appears earlier in the album, and on Live: At Town Hall, he sings this right at the end of the song and it's beautiful.. he doesn't do it on the album. Shame.
In the context of that documentary, this song is even more bittersweet. Also, after reading the book of the same name, this song and many of his others took on a whole new level of poignance. Really an amazing songwriter and beguiling human being.

God DAMN I love this album.

Since Blinking Lights is basically a concept album following one person through his entire life, I'd say those last lines are probably the inscription on his grave:
So in the end I'd like to say That I'm a very thankful man I tried to make the most of my situations And enjoy what I have I knew true love and I knew passion And the difference between the two I have some regrets but if I had to do it all again Well, it's something I'd like to do
Little bit of a tongue-in-cheek reincarnation reference at the end there. It's a nice sentiment, but also kind of funny too (much like how E's humor shows up on all his other albums).

Best song off the new album, bar-none.

I like this song. I played this song when I graduated high school during my film portfolio piece for my school. Its a nice end to the album. And I love the last lyrics. It's really a beautifully depressingly, happy song. If there is such a thing, Eels would be the master at it.

This is such a fantastic song. I think everyone can relate to it in some away. A master piece. i love the lines "It's not all good and it's not all bad" and the line. "I knew true love and i knew passion and the diffrence between the two".
The last part is so pretty i just love this song. makes my eyes water everytime i hear it.

Great program on nova about Mark Everett and his father who is genius physics scientist who is credited as the father of the parellel universe theory. I love how this song compares him to his father. The science community certain recognizes Mark's father as a genius and I think Mark also deserves similar accolades for his musical talent and songs like this.