Lyric discussion by savannaax3 

This song came out around the time my parents were going through a violent divorce, which ended in my father commiting sucide. I remember my mom listening to this and crying, i was to young to truly understand how beautifully deep this song was. I think its about a relationship ending, but one you can never have back.

Oh jeez. I signed up just to offer my condolences. I can't imagine what going through that must have been like.


@savannaax3 It reminds me of my father. He left my mom and I when I was 3yrs old and remarried in another state, and started another family. He would come pick me up once every several years and let me visit him and his new family. I would cry at night in my room because He was my hero anyway. He Never sent birthday cards and never call me .I saw him about 5 times until I was about 20. I would call him up but by then I was angry at him for...

@savannaax3 I'm agreeing with you. I know how hard it is..I lost brother of my parents and my siblings to foster's been 1 year 7 months and 12 days since I have been in foster care. It hurts so much to know that people out their don't have homes.. and I am complaining about my life, and I could end mine any time. I pay so much attention to my suiside thoughts that I don't see that other kids have it sucks to be 14 and taking care of you 9 year old brother, but others have worse.

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