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Peter Bjorn and John – Writer's Block Lyrics 10 years ago
I think you'll find the full-length version is called Young Folks ;) (the melody is the same)

Peter Bjorn and John – Last Night Lyrics 11 years ago
Great, great song. I love the electronic fills that come in halfway through. Does anybody know the chords to this song?

David Bowie – Ashes to Ashes Lyrics 11 years ago
I get the feeling that this song is at least in parts some sort of metaphor for some aspect of Bowie's own career. To me, the line "we know Major Tom's a junkie" sounds like critics/the audience talking about Space Oddity, which was of course Bowie's first hit, saying that THEY interperet it as a metaphor for drug addiction. Don't know where to go with it after that, though. That the audience think they know his songs better than him?

Jarvis Cocker – Running the World Lyrics 11 years ago
Or at least they shouldn't need to.

Jarvis Cocker – Quantum Theory Lyrics 11 years ago
Jarvis has a brilliant way of saying "Everything is gonna be alright" in the least comforting and calming way possible. :L
Marvellous album... am I the only one who thinks this song sounds a bit like Radiohead in its production (Kid A, In Rainbows sorta era)?

Maxïmo Park – Roller Disco Dreams Lyrics 11 years ago
Felt like this was filler when I first bought the album, never really listened to the chorus. Goddamn was I stupid. Fantastic, 80s guitar sound in that part, and the vocals are heartwrenching.

I'm none too sure what the song's about, but I get the feeling the first half at least is describing a relationship of extremes, they keep going through massive highs and lows and the guy just wants them to slow down rather than putting all their time and effort into random nights out without meaning or thought. Not sure, though.

Peter Bjorn and John – Far Away, By My Side Lyrics 11 years ago
Fantastic way to open an atmospheric, brooding album like the mighty Falling Out. Dark, depressing yet brilliantly arresting and melodic. In a way it's a shame the song (and the album) was made so early in their career. If Peter Bjorn And John released this now, it'd be a hit.

Maxïmo Park – Acrobat Lyrics 12 years ago
You CAN buy it live; there's a live version on the 'Monument' DVD that comes with the special edition of their third album 'Quicken The Heart', with the keyboard opening being played on a trumpet, and Paul Smith reading the verses directly from his notebook... it's bloody incredible. Very moving song. :D

Maxïmo Park – Acrobat Lyrics 12 years ago
You CAN buy it live; there's a live version on the 'Monument' DVD that comes with the special edition of their third album 'Quicken The Heart', with the keyboard opening being played on a trumpet, and Paul Smith reading the verses directly from his notebook... it's bloody incredible. Very moving song. :D

Maxïmo Park – Our Velocity Lyrics 12 years ago
I think the lyrics are a mix of observations on society (the war-type stuff as previously mentioned) and about self-criticism of the band. There's definite political references (the "Are you willing to resist..." part, etc.) but the part about "I buy books, I never read" seems to be Paul critiquing his own lyrics, and the chorus "Never never try to gauge temperature when you tend to travel at such speed as our velocity", I think, is basically saying that it's impossible for the band to tell how well they're doing or how well they'll be remembered in the long term while their career is rising and progressing so quickly.

Peter Bjorn and John – Down Like Me Lyrics 12 years ago
"Have you heard
When greed meets hunger?
How absurd,
The weak is stronger.
'Cause when they are satisfied,
They sigh and wipe their mouth..." - It's also about capitalism ;) I think Peter Moren's recent solo work sheds quite some light on how he feels about capitalism...

Peter Bjorn and John – Objects of My Affection Lyrics 12 years ago
"But of course some days, I just lie around
And hardly exist,
And can't tell apart what I'm eating
From my hand or my wrist.
'Cause flesh is flesh, flesh is flesh is flesh,
The difference is thin.
But life has a certain ability of breathing new life into me,
So I breathe it in.
It says here we are, and we all are here,
And it still can make sense,
If you just show up and present an honest face,
Instead of that grin."

Favourite lyrics ever. Just as a note, the singer's name is Peter Moren, not Peter Bjorn. Bjorn is the bassist, John the drummer. They left a comma out of the band name! :L

Peter Bjorn and John – Start Making Sense Lyrics 12 years ago
Great song, great album, such a dark, brooding atmosphere!

Blur – No Distance Left to Run Lyrics 12 years ago
Love this song, but I never understood the title. What does it mean? The rest of the song is clear, but 'no distance left to run'? It's a weird-ass metaphor, man. Any ideas?

Peter Bjorn and John – Goodbye Again, Or Lyrics 12 years ago
Let me tell you why I love this song so much.

Falling Out is a spectacular album, especially considering how low-budget this band were at the time, and the all the artwork along with the songs works together very well to create a broody, cold atmosphere perfect for the subject matter of the album; urban depression, the highs and lows (but mostly lows) of relationships, etc…. but also, most of the tracks on the album are big, brash, big production, spacious, sweeping and full of layers upon layers of instruments that really bolster the sound of the band. And then, at the end, the last track is only 2:01 minutes in length, and is a last-minute recording of an acoustic song by the band’s singer, Peter Peter Morén, recorded on his mobile phone on the day the album was going to be sent off to the factories for pressing. And this is phones around 2002-2004, so the quality’s flaky as fuck. But for some reason it doesn’t matter; this song, with its simple lyrics and repetitive hook is incredibly moving, perhaps the most so on the album. And the cryptic title, cut off abruptly, is in fact an optimistic end to the album. Having spoken to Peter over twitter, I believe that the ‘Or’ is meant to signify that actually it doesn’t have to be goodbye yet again, that this time things could actually change for the better. Which I think is a really, really nice way to end an album.

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