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Tool – Ticks and Leeches Lyrics 1 year ago
@[TomThumb681:46463] I had an epiphany listening to this song this morning. I had felt EXACTLY the same as you about this song. What is this angry spiteful song doing in the middle of this masterpiece about patience, compassion, humanity, divinity, transcendence, etc? Then it hit me towards the end of the song and it's so beautiful it had me in tears, and I came here to see if anyone had the realization I had, and literally no one is interpreting this song the way I have just realized it.
So here it is: he wants the ticks and leeches that are "workin' up under my patience" and "beat my compassion black and blue" to choke ON the patience and the compassion. He's saying to the ticks and leeches [which I interpret as not just people but situations, emotions, thoughts, anything that wears on you] I'm going to have so much patience and compassion and love for you that you're going to choke on it. You thought you were going to get under my skin and get to me and bring me down, but all you're getting is my patience and compassion. Choke on that! It is spiteful and angry, but, with love... Yeah.

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